Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

Nov 06, 2006 · Using the name of "Jesus Christ" as an oath has been common for many centuries, but the precise origins of the letter H in the expression Jesus H. Christ are obscure. Whilst many explanations have been proposed, some serious and many humorous, the most widely accepted derivation is from the divine monogram of Christian symbolism, IHC or IHS. Basically, nothing. It was put there so that you wouldn't blaspheme the "real" jesus because Jesus H Christ isn't Jesus Christ. So when you swear, it is through a fictionalized look-alike. The Etymology of Jesus H. Christ by Peter Kirby (May 11, 2003) Question: What is the origin of the H. in the phrase, Jesus H. Christ? There is no great mind which has not but come to rest on this important question. ICXC. In Eastern Christianity, the most widely used Christogram is a four-letter abbreviation, ΙϹ ΧϹ—a traditional abbreviation of the Greek words for "Jesus Christ" (i.e., the first and last letters of each of the words "ΙΗϹΟΥϹ ΧΡΙϹΤΟϹ", with the lunate sigma "Ϲ" common in medieval Greek), and written with titlo (diacritic) denoting scribal abbreviation (І҃С Х҃С). The "Jesus H. Christ" would be along the same lines as other name blasphemies i.e. "Jesus Billy-Bob Christ" or "Jesus Wayne Christ" or "Elvis Christ" or "Jesus Herbert Walker Christ." I've also seen "Jesus H. Christ, Jr." and "Sergeant Christ" and "Jesus H. Christ, attorney at law." Ummm, I'll just shut up now. Discussion about What does the "H" in Jesus "H" Christ stand for?? [Page 2] at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. Our topics include Conspiracy Theory, Secret Societies, UFOs and more!

Jesus H. Christ: [interjection] interjection of surprise, alarm, etc. Jesus H. Christ that was a hot girl.

"Jesus H. Christ" is an expletive interjection referencing Jesus Christ. It is typically uttered in The "JHC" variant would particularly invite interpretation of the "H" as part of a name. As a child, "H" was a middle initial meaning "Holy" and included to honor Jesus while … ᐅ Jesus H Christ – Meaning & origin of the term - Slanglang Jesus H. Christ is considered an expletive statement, used as a reaction to surprise, anger or excitement. The religious figure Jesus Christ does not originally have a middle name “H.”, and using his name as a manner of profanity or offence is considered blasphemy by believers.

Jesus H . Christ is one of the delegates 10 the silver convention, from Durango. He ought to carry a great deal of weight with his opinions. From "State News" in the Fort Collins [Colorado] Courier (May 14, 1885): Jesus H. Christ has been appointed superintendent of schools in LaPlata county. It is hoped the children will not be averse to

What does jesus h. christ mean? - Definition of jesus h. christ in the dictionary. Meaning of jesus h. christ. What does jesus h. christ mean? Information and translations of jesus h. christ in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. What Does the H Stand For? - Tenser, said the Tensor