10 Best DD-WRT Router 2020 Reviews (2020 New Routers

2010-10-23 DD-WRT Forum :: View topic - Configuration of STP bridge 2019-10-9 DD-WRT详细设置图解(图文并茂)_百度文库

คอนฟิกพื้นฐานของ DD-WRT บน Linksys WRT54GL

How to set up PPTP VPN on DD-WRT Routers | VPN Setup … In order to set up PPTP VPN on DD-WRT routers you have to flash your router with DD-WRT firmware and set router local IP address as Also please, check if you can connect to Internet via Wi-Fi from DD-WRT router. We also recommend checking VPN on your PC/Mac to ensure that your network configuration and ISP allow PPTP VPN connections. DD-WRT - Powered by Discuz! 2017-8-9

2012-11-18 · 1、进入 DD-WRT 控制面板,点主菜单上的 无线 ,再点 基本设置。其中,无线模式 设为 中继桥接 , 无线网络模式 (网络选择混合)、无线网络名(SSID) 都必须和主无线路由器设置相同, 感受范围(ACK时序)、网络配置 无需更改 。点 保存

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