Mar 27, 2013 · I'm still baffeled, but it seems someone just remote controleld my computer too… I realise now I should't have interupted so soon (and instead wait and see what would have happen), but I did and now I guess well never know if it actually was a human behind it (unless someone can find something in the logs – i did run a ”sysdiagnose

I open my computer to find a message saying I had a virus and needed to call a technician. the number was shown. I did and they ask for my information I gave it to them and now they are controlling my computer. what can I do? This is the advice I would normally give, but you gave them remote access so also read the second part here. Scam. As for someone in my house doing it I don't believe they would have the abilities to do something like this. The mouse was actively clicking on different things, but to me it seems like it could be some sort of glitch. But is it possible that this could still happen if wifi is disabled and so is wireless access on the computer? No one is Controlling his computer, and I'm convinced he is crazy, so I tell him I'll do a full scan of your system take a look at it and remove any software that is harmful or that might be allowing someone to control his computer. A lot of concern about the NSA’s seemingly omnipresent surveillance over the last year has focused on the agency’s efforts to install back doors in software and hardware. Those efforts are C ell phones usually store a great deal of personal data that trace back over the last couple of years.. You probably use your cell phone on a daily basis to: send text messages and emails; store voicemails; send pictures or videos to friends, your family or partner; browse the internet and social media - the list goes on and on. Other people are remotely controlling my phone. How do I stop them and get my life back? Sometimes I will see the screen being navigated when I am not even touching the phone. Swiping motions, back button presses and menu selections happening automatically without my finger even touching the phone or my voice interacting with Google Assistant. Sep 19, 2011 · So he has control of my computer. The cmd box stops and there is over 14,000 errors, see he says very bad. He can fix for me for only $300.00 I say NO! he persists lowering the price at the same time I have my A/C guy standing there asking me for $375.00 for a part they replaced 8 months ago.

Someone started controlling my computer over the Internet -- what happened? Next There are "Trojan horse" type programs, such as Back Orifice and Netbus , that could cause the behavior you are describing.

Feb 17, 2013 · My ex who is the suspected sociopath you speak ofwho has been hacking and remotely accessing every device in my home as well as my CARS since 3-18-17, plus i found evidence of survalence and Apr 29, 2019 · Here are a few different tasks you can do to learn if someone has logged into your computer with your consent. Recent Activities. Status checks on specific files and folders is a great way to determine if unauthorized users have been accessing your computer. Mar 31, 2020 · With Use Other Devices for Switch Control, you can control your other Apple devices remotely on the same Wi-Fi network without adjusting any switch connections. This enables you to navigate your Mac or Apple TV with the same switch setup that you use to control your iPhone. What you’re looking for is the other computer’s network name, such as MonsterX, as shown in the code example. Type exit and press Enter to close the Command Prompt window. If you cannot determine another computer’s name from the netstat command output, pay attention to the IP addresses.

May 17, 2012 · Even though I have used up a lot of my system hardening someone still keep changing settings and gain root access to my mac. When he starts to do all these things, I did not have a functional computer. I cannot seems to get anything to work on. He would spy on my computer and my internet activities. Even if I am not using a Mac. And used a PC.

Sep 17, 2019 · The next best way to see if someone is monitoring your computer is to view all of the active connections your computer is making with something on the internet. TCPView is a great way to do this in Windows. It’s pretty straightforward in that you see which process on your computer is connected to a specific remote address.